Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Simple Makes Better

Happiness is simple, it doesn't have to be glamorous. Do you think you, or anyone else, have read the theme of t-shirts or some messages on social media like that. It is true and not a true coincidence, wow, this is moreover the bikers. In order to display that on your ride, there is little something shiny in certain parts can use oil / cleaning fluid that is often known to the public (common product), namely Brasso. The price is not up to 2 packs of filter cigarettes. Silver craftsmen, imitation jewelry to premium jewelry, or just metal, brass, stainless steel, and copper and agate are also not wrong to use this to change the appearance so that the goods / materials are shiny and unsightly rather than rusty. Rusty gold is getting more expensive, rusty iron horse ....?

simple material brasso for cleaning

Wait for minutes. There are 2 different views. The first side feels uncomfortable, the second side is even more proud even more to make its own owner icon. The proof is that each event, for the original class or authenticity is still ongoing and gets its own attention. 

an object suitable for brusshing

I use this liquid is not often, the proof is 2 months have not been used up. Simply smeared on the surface of the material or material with a absorbent cloth, wait a few minutes then wipe the cleaning cloth and the results .... it is enough to make the eyes a little like after washing your eyes. Material made from brass, very real difference between before smeared with after smeared with this Brasso oil liquid. Please and have a try. In essence, do not underestimate the trivial that can actually make everything okey.

Monday, 18 November 2019

For Sell Classical House Since Sinuhun Surakarta

Favorite item or material as the first opening of this blog are houses built in the Sinuhun (Java King), or rather in the 1800s to be exact 1839. Of course the material contained in the structure of the building, what type and name at that time except the standard ones. Nowadays, there are ceramics, stanlees etc. certainly not the elements that make this building still survive. Staying at  the main road of the city Solo called the Jalan Slamet Riyadi 61. In front of the Bank of Central Java or the difference between the two Toko Nusa houses in the direction of its prosperity. Toko Nusa, a shop with paper branding, may also just be a coincidence the name of the owner of this blog has witnessed the triumph of the family business.

wooden style in site area

Offered at an open price of 12 billion rupiahs full negotiable with an area of ​​approximately 300 m2 and data that was recorded with 1300 Watt electricity. The author tries to make a transaction with the direct owner who is in Bandung, but the parents are from Solo and why in Bandung? Perhaps and certainly the parents are senior lecturers at ITB Chemistry or can contact me at WA. +62881.293.7371 location Solo City central Java.

inner original main room of site

Looks from the side like 2th floor building, but all have been opened completely (plong) even though the former stairs or other property are also still there. For offices or business services, it seems quite suitable even though there are some shortcomings, namely the south side / Slamet Riyadi is not as free as parking the north side. However, if viewed the north, it is not necessary to ask what the difference is existing now.

Posted on by bagi pengalaman in | 1 comment

Friday, 1 November 2019

An Exhaust Surgeon Panji Seriez

Just call him the name : brother  Panji (Mr. Panji), living in a Grobogan east os Semarang located  Central Java province of Indonesia. With his muffler product labelled panji seriez, it seems that this home-based business has already reaped good results for the family or for social activities at KCBI (had noted before).

panji seriz in CB event Nganjuk east Java

Repetitive posting on social media like facebook only, with a casual style always greet customers with the slightest without ever like selling something. That is the selling style of middle-aged middle-class bikers who  had more thick and long experience. Like the previous material, coffee is wrapped with further gatherings with businesses.

another style of panji seriez as a self market

Some of the big for events of CB communities often meet and talk with brother Panji is really welcome person. He was one of the pioneers in the founding of the KCBI which is active in the social actions  and has now become a legal foundation. In CB Indonesia he was as well known alright, but He most like in position independent bikers. Whenever at working, the studio seems still simple, but it is sufficient to work both a day timesheet  and overtime. Kind of understandly, there the bikers CB biker ahead of the event likes to give homework immediately especially there are big events such as the 9th anniversary CB Poilce Jogja that will starting tomorrow in Jogjakarta.

panji seriez studio home work

His smart smiles always showing his wall status each time he posted a new info. With the local trademark Panji Seriez, its products are almost owned by those who have long played with CB motorcycles. It turns out, with a relaxed marketing style, friendly, always friendly greeting a kind of magnet itself in capturing loyal consumers both just maintenance, service to order with a particular model (as reques). Entering this millennial era, it seems that the classic or old manner style is still a favorite of some business people who deal with motorcycle accessories, especially CB. Good luck and ready to face a straight competition with big boss industry with large budgets and modern marketing. Long live the classical style, because classics are always interesting in anything it was.

panji's son ability to help

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Coffee Drink Wrapped In Business

Indonesian CB bikers habit when gathering will stand up their motorcycles neatly and regularly. Maybe at abroad is the same too. Looks compact and united in the soul and spirit is his trademark. The shape and model problems are number two and shall be even more numerous. Without concerning status, work and job position all unites look like in intimacy. The theme coffee drink wrapped in business noted as unique title and noted in this blog.

no promise no invitation available meet

What's unique about each meeting is that the program is always called by a coffee drink together. It is unclear and when this word began. Well known on social media or social conversation (whatsapp), coffee is the right word to call them. Some cities do this lightly and sometimes by accident not with special promise.

costumable meeting taken to advertise

Not only familiarity, the name gathered finally led to the discussion and exchange of opinions to the discussion of motorbike problems, especially those they have. Finally, the conversation spread to the world of workshops, modifications, spare parts, touring and others. This is unique and always happens that's way. Indeed, the classical world allows for that, so I always like things that are classic. Classic is unique and unique makes it will be tickly......let's chat together, forever in classic lovers

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Remember Ex Girl Friend

Yesterday afternoon suddenly a little surprised meet 2 eyes with the ex-girlfriend's sister while still I was in senior high school (SMA) in Indonesia. Had a love affair with his sister even though only one year, or more or less before graduating from high school. Did you just see his younger, how about especially when you met his older brother whose she was my girl friend? Imperceptibly, remembering the beautiful memory when establishing togetherness. and noted a theme as remember ex girl friend in this site.

Even at night while accomply overtiming at home because so many orders should  be finished in 2 days, trying to work by listening to classical music including: knife, rockwell, a whitter shade of pale procol harum,  take a look at me now phill collins and yesterday for beatles and much more. Well, memory is never broken promises, and when it appeared immediately suppressed fully memory that was still remembered, still innocent,  pure and what is the meaning of love? ...... woooow, just wonderful.....!!

Between love and hate immediately becoming one in one touch and looklike  a young again risen. Somehow it can be like this ? only self knows, the wife is also not suspicious. Then how come you can meet? Because of the ex-lover's sister, her husband is my front neighbor, and returns home once a year. It does not have to be exactly Idul Fitri or the end of the year, which is clearly her husband's workplace in Batam, Sumatra, allowing her to meet her mother once or twice a year. And each time the husband and wife go home, attention is always focused on the woman who is none other than the ex-sister's sister.

Well for all readers , the world and 7 skies are will smile  when it comes to something about love even though it is still very young, and the song continues to play and the work doesn't feel too nearly over. I was very happy tonight, like a song : tonight I celebrite my love for U.......haaaaa. And the end notice, I very deeply remember from Rod Stewart : Baby Jane, which relesed album at 1983.

#greetings deeply love always makes a great moment.....as the real frend said to me

Friday, 27 September 2019

Hidden Treasure Block CB Dream 72

Have a brother from aceh sumatra fully funny person. Aceh is famous for the 2004 tsunami when the president SBY took office at the beginning of his state of Indonesia, brother Surya Zuhdi had played in buying and selling used otomotive goods, especially old used motorcycles. Unexpectedly the occurrence of a large forest fire yesterday on the island of Sumatra provided a blessing (forest fire), a hidden treasure in the form of a honda dream CB 72 engine. The double exhaust engine (twin motorcycle) if it became a real motorcycle was quite expensive in Indonesia, almost as valuable as a used price of saloon car.

big treasure for mr.surya zuhdi
Also had met at the CB Indonesia national jamboree on the long beach of Bengkulu a few years ago. Together with the famous rubbish trader from the hammer of sulawesi, brother Lukas had opened a stand at the CB jamboree event in Bengkulu. Lukas and Surya Zuhdi are two friends who are samely in caracters and kindly welcome, even though they are separated by the island and if traveling by plane is so much expensive ticket.

As I dream to own  a twin type motorbike is the desire of Indonesian bikers including me, hehehehehe ....... with the twin type, the trip feels good and high speed will be stable on the highway. I have ever made a t-shirt with this theme :

Dream Come True, Iso Ngimpi Raiso Tuku

my last tshirt production
Usually as the Dream, really something  but can not buy. This is what makes the memory and willingly to write about the hidden treasure of the Honda CB 72 or 77 engine block.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

The Breastpin Of Classic CB Indonesia

The mutually pride of CB Nganjuk motorcycle club east java which was finally given to brother Monos Surabaya as a senior biker of East Java, to be kept in the cb museum in indonesia. A pin is only a brass one object of little value, but anyone who receives the value is like a master degree from an educational institution and it is so difficult to make a value. a thema the breastpin of classic cb indonesia subscribed as powerful material classic motorcycle club which members so many bikers around indonesia island.

This is a symbol of a long struggle from the biker profession  has traveled thousands of kilometers both on the island of Java or outside the island of Java or the territory of a country  Indonesia. Because it cannot be sell bought, this pin is finally presented for its historical value at the CB Indonesia Museum. For a week ago, club unity CB Nganjuk successfully held a rolling thunder with thousands of motorbike participants around the city, which was centered on Warujayeng Nganjuk, a sub-district in the direction of Kediri, East Java. This video expressed for event as becoming  Nganjuk is A Million CB Town.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Care For the Poor Through The Motorcycle Club

The methods carried out many people in helping their brothers and sisters who still lack many variations. KCBI Cares among the names of the CB motorbike club community whose center in East Java appeared in front to embody this noble ideal. There is food aid, school fees, medical assistance, house renovations, blood donations to the provision of breaking the fast during the month of Ramadan. By bringing the CB biker fans to the same level at the beginning (2013), now KCBI Care has a special grade forward to become an exemplary foundation both for youth and local government, because it helps some government programs especially in the social sector, necessities of life and education for school children. In indonesian's blog we noted at another subject like here.

chief KCBI (left) received pay out of motor
In raising funds, there is something unique. The normal way is by collecting donations for anyone who cares. There is a unique and interesting way, where the biker dominates his favorite motorbike to KCBI, then if the result is to increase the foundation's cash. This is a creative, legal and legal way because the price offered is based on open bids through social media. Usually, when the highest price is available, the motor that is offered is released. Both types of motorcycles included new production, old type or very very old. All up to potential donors of funds.

No exception, spare parts, second hand ownership colected by traders are also donated to KCBI and the price is up to KCBI. Either through an open or closed offer (contacting a few people) who are considered able to buy the parts or motorbike. Hopefully the more prosperous KCBI cares over the times, and he said there are already some overseas fans who often donate it's programs. There are many people in indonesia who jobs at abroud and like motorbikes as well as being overseas workers such as the United States, Korea, Saudi Arabia and others.

We hope so KCBI the landing alternate program in next time for social solution.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Antique Wood Tray

For following times, the kings and queen in Java Indonesia, the service of drinks to guests or the king always uses a tray that is unique and distinctive. In the traditional antique market in Java, sometimes that item available found in public market and we don't know wherever and how it laid and broutgh by people seller. My mother deeply loved the small tray and always refresshed it for her guests.

small tray at our home

We'are not knowing, why she liked and enjoyed it so much. Its making even if seen from the texture of the carvings are indeed beautiful and interesting. Enough details of the design and expressions of the work concerning dimensions, actresses and subtleties. People can now be impatient and not tenacious to make this kind of tray, despite economic reasons it also does not reach a broad market.

However, this is what makes Javanese carvings, especially classical streams, still have a minimum number of fans, fans who still have things like that, including the tray, which is still stored in my house. Made of wood, with a length of about 40 cm and a width of 15 cm makes the collection of the remains of a deceased mother who died 1 year ago,

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Foreign Senior Surveyor

While working on the unocal geothermal gas project (union '76 scope project) Gunung Salak Sukabumi. I was became a team with Jhon Bollin from the United States. around 60 years old. It happened around the 2000s in the Sukabumi area, precisely the village of Kalapa Nunggal. His favorite meal is eating cassava, boiled bananas and boiled peanuts. High salary for superintendent size in foreign companies, does not make a luxurious lifestyle, especially when eating. Only once in a while the Saturday night arrived, he always took time to drink a glass of tequilla, but it was expressed when I visited at his camp (villa type) in high land side off Kalapa Nunggal village.

while i was young and one team

Did you know the favorite song? besides he likes the Beatles song, he is very understanding and kindly with Koes Plus (legendary Indonesian band) which has been popular since 1960. Amazing ........ because 2 years of living in Indonesia, especially in West Java, making his music hobby is only listening to the tape recorder at the time, accompanying his long night after being tired during the day as a senior surveyor at the Gunung Salak Unocal Geothermal Gas Project.

koes plus legend ( source : smule.com)

His passion for classical songs, is not like his friends who preferred to go down to the city of Sukabumi both to the cafe or nightclub which is only an expatriate who is able to visit there. I am writing this, so that it will be a memorable one year of working with senior surveyors who inspire many ways of working in the field or processing data. He did not understand much with survey tools, but his experience at the contractor made him a tenacious worker despite his age. He was always tunning on everyday and best song loved was : begadang jangan begadang......wooow......wonderfully, begadang is spent the night without sleeping.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Knowing Classic Motorcycle Club With Tshirt

After working on the oil project Petrochina East Java Tuban because the contract runs out, immediately turn around to act into business world that was being created by brother-in-law and join in there by increasing capital. It was known that the work of  my wife's brother was indeed good, at first glance it looks at the beginning. Screen printing is very realistic such as photos or designs offered by clients or customers besides accurately in placing between picture and rubber result. Everyone toke an order and more orders as statysfied consument.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Millenial Reunion Like Oldiest Memory

Last week we're invited to a big reunion in Jogjakarta with the theme of  Lustrum XII  Geodetic Engineering Gadjah Mada University involving all alumni where they are possibile invited whenever in the country or abroad. Lustrum XII is a 5-year event so the campus of Geodetic Engineering's age is around 60 years. Allumnies attending this event included fresh graduated or senior category. The Steering Commitee (Panitya)  a joint class of 1988, 1998, 2008, seems to take appreciately in responsibility in its implementation work out to be quite lively and successfully keeping the end of the program.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Welcome Clasicalover

New arrival with foreign language (english) in blogging, we try to participate here in order to make a blogging enjoyable. Since I'am an indonesian people it's an amazing to join with blogger communities. I take classical thema cause few following years available with classic bike community and few kinds of antique lovers in Indonesia.