Thursday, 4 July 2019

Millenial Reunion Like Oldiest Memory

Last week we're invited to a big reunion in Jogjakarta with the theme of  Lustrum XII  Geodetic Engineering Gadjah Mada University involving all alumni where they are possibile invited whenever in the country or abroad. Lustrum XII is a 5-year event so the campus of Geodetic Engineering's age is around 60 years. Allumnies attending this event included fresh graduated or senior category. The Steering Commitee (Panitya)  a joint class of 1988, 1998, 2008, seems to take appreciately in responsibility in its implementation work out to be quite lively and successfully keeping the end of the program.

Invitation Board Before Starting Event

We are, from the 1987, 1997, 2007 classes that were given the assignment as the committee member and reunion last year in Jakarta for this time as common guests as other guests, because this task was indeed rotated and planned by geodetic's allumni. After the end of last week's event, automatic program executed by classes 1989, 1999, 2009 for next year's event is as the core committee, while the place depends on their coordination. Where will be planned in Jogja, or Jakarta or other places that are enough to reach all alumni.

Subarjono Ph.D (with Hat) Leader Geodetic Eng.

There was a classical design views and it was quite interesting to the attention of the alumni guests who attended, namely the appearance of the classic or old communication device during college, also the yellow minibus KOBUTRI was the vehicle when going to campus and the ancient measure instruments (surveying) of the revolutionary era or the war of independence. Everything is best matching arranged and in accordance with the moment of the event, namely 60 years of the campus of  geodetic engineering UGM Jogjakarta.

Old Radio Station Displayed At the Moment

In spot display spaces , it showed dispalying ancient measuring instruments up to several sales agents selling survey tools like : fennel kessel type, theodolite T-0 for angle measure, Wild T-2 for angle accuracy instrument. Besides, unless interesting are some ancient objects on spot display  such as : radio, globe, tables, chairs and traditional foods that are very much loved by Indonesians, especially the Javanese.

Gudhangan was most likely traditional food

Because it is based on vegetables such as: gudangan, chicken satay with lontong, wedang jahe (ginger drink), wedang rondhe, boiled peanuts (kacang godhog), boiled cassava (ketela rebus) then  arem arem, black coffee and brewed tea (teh tubruk). I try to find thengkleng (goat meal basic) and wedang uwuh, but no thing overthere......but it's no matter I thought.

Classic Theodolite Wild T-0 Original

I decide to do writing in therm Millennial Reunion like Oldiest Memory because the reunion handled in millenial year 2019 (modern) but the treats and smells were like going back to ancient times when I was still studying at campus Geodetic Engineering UGM within the 1990s - 2000s.

2009 reunion with full team class

On photo above while 2009 reunion or 10 years old that attended by full team of our class 1987 (time to enter UGM) and we arranged this pict as good case since most of them joined this event too.  For following years, our team available again in the same program even uncompletly group. But it was a great really that most of them becoming the important person goverment staff in indonesia.Their absent for 2019 reunion had informed before, and that was no matter anymore.  Like our friend's chat.

2019 reunion with less member of class


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