Thursday, 27 June 2019

Welcome Clasicalover

New arrival with foreign language (english) in blogging, we try to participate here in order to make a blogging enjoyable. Since I'am an indonesian people it's an amazing to join with blogger communities. I take classical thema cause few following years available with classic bike community and few kinds of antique lovers in Indonesia.

We hope our writing could be a material for million materials which entering into blogger people in the world. Blogging is kind of style dinamically now unlimited all over the world. Where signal reached out, there some possible to be uploaded or noted as they like. Classics are very namely or basically nice to make a history or chat, as they are unique therms and various cases that had special notes, happens, stories etc. We or I like it more than the classic it's self. I think, no matter to join with leading bloggers before with limit communication as I'm an indonesian people who living at central Java (Solo City) and daily chats, talk about, communication with natural language like indonesian or Java.

Clasicalover as new comer, as new supporter in writing all condition with old, classic, antique, or other communities connecting with their scopes. At last but not least this blog available and easily found all over the world. Your suggestion or good idea in building this blog, very very apreciated. As the beginner we say big thanks for your joining us.

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