Sunday, 15 September 2019

Foreign Senior Surveyor

While working on the unocal geothermal gas project (union '76 scope project) Gunung Salak Sukabumi. I was became a team with Jhon Bollin from the United States. around 60 years old. It happened around the 2000s in the Sukabumi area, precisely the village of Kalapa Nunggal. His favorite meal is eating cassava, boiled bananas and boiled peanuts. High salary for superintendent size in foreign companies, does not make a luxurious lifestyle, especially when eating. Only once in a while the Saturday night arrived, he always took time to drink a glass of tequilla, but it was expressed when I visited at his camp (villa type) in high land side off Kalapa Nunggal village.

while i was young and one team

Did you know the favorite song? besides he likes the Beatles song, he is very understanding and kindly with Koes Plus (legendary Indonesian band) which has been popular since 1960. Amazing ........ because 2 years of living in Indonesia, especially in West Java, making his music hobby is only listening to the tape recorder at the time, accompanying his long night after being tired during the day as a senior surveyor at the Gunung Salak Unocal Geothermal Gas Project.

koes plus legend ( source :

His passion for classical songs, is not like his friends who preferred to go down to the city of Sukabumi both to the cafe or nightclub which is only an expatriate who is able to visit there. I am writing this, so that it will be a memorable one year of working with senior surveyors who inspire many ways of working in the field or processing data. He did not understand much with survey tools, but his experience at the contractor made him a tenacious worker despite his age. He was always tunning on everyday and best song loved was : begadang jangan begadang......wooow......wonderfully, begadang is spent the night without sleeping.

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