Saturday, 6 July 2019

Knowing Classic Motorcycle Club With Tshirt

After working on the oil project Petrochina East Java Tuban because the contract runs out, immediately turn around to act into business world that was being created by brother-in-law and join in there by increasing capital. It was known that the work of  my wife's brother was indeed good, at first glance it looks at the beginning. Screen printing is very realistic such as photos or designs offered by clients or customers besides accurately in placing between picture and rubber result. Everyone toke an order and more orders as statysfied consument.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Millenial Reunion Like Oldiest Memory

Last week we're invited to a big reunion in Jogjakarta with the theme of  Lustrum XII  Geodetic Engineering Gadjah Mada University involving all alumni where they are possibile invited whenever in the country or abroad. Lustrum XII is a 5-year event so the campus of Geodetic Engineering's age is around 60 years. Allumnies attending this event included fresh graduated or senior category. The Steering Commitee (Panitya)  a joint class of 1988, 1998, 2008, seems to take appreciately in responsibility in its implementation work out to be quite lively and successfully keeping the end of the program.