Monday, 18 November 2019

For Sell Classical House Since Sinuhun Surakarta

Favorite item or material as the first opening of this blog are houses built in the Sinuhun (Java King), or rather in the 1800s to be exact 1839. Of course the material contained in the structure of the building, what type and name at that time except the standard ones. Nowadays, there are ceramics, stanlees etc. certainly not the elements that make this building still survive. Staying at  the main road of the city Solo called the Jalan Slamet Riyadi 61. In front of the Bank of Central Java or the difference between the two Toko Nusa houses in the direction of its prosperity. Toko Nusa, a shop with paper branding, may also just be a coincidence the name of the owner of this blog has witnessed the triumph of the family business.

wooden style in site area

Offered at an open price of 12 billion rupiahs full negotiable with an area of ​​approximately 300 m2 and data that was recorded with 1300 Watt electricity. The author tries to make a transaction with the direct owner who is in Bandung, but the parents are from Solo and why in Bandung? Perhaps and certainly the parents are senior lecturers at ITB Chemistry or can contact me at WA. +62881.293.7371 location Solo City central Java.

inner original main room of site

Looks from the side like 2th floor building, but all have been opened completely (plong) even though the former stairs or other property are also still there. For offices or business services, it seems quite suitable even though there are some shortcomings, namely the south side / Slamet Riyadi is not as free as parking the north side. However, if viewed the north, it is not necessary to ask what the difference is existing now.

Posted on by bagi pengalaman in | 1 comment

Friday, 1 November 2019

An Exhaust Surgeon Panji Seriez

Just call him the name : brother  Panji (Mr. Panji), living in a Grobogan east os Semarang located  Central Java province of Indonesia. With his muffler product labelled panji seriez, it seems that this home-based business has already reaped good results for the family or for social activities at KCBI (had noted before).

panji seriz in CB event Nganjuk east Java

Repetitive posting on social media like facebook only, with a casual style always greet customers with the slightest without ever like selling something. That is the selling style of middle-aged middle-class bikers who  had more thick and long experience. Like the previous material, coffee is wrapped with further gatherings with businesses.

another style of panji seriez as a self market

Some of the big for events of CB communities often meet and talk with brother Panji is really welcome person. He was one of the pioneers in the founding of the KCBI which is active in the social actions  and has now become a legal foundation. In CB Indonesia he was as well known alright, but He most like in position independent bikers. Whenever at working, the studio seems still simple, but it is sufficient to work both a day timesheet  and overtime. Kind of understandly, there the bikers CB biker ahead of the event likes to give homework immediately especially there are big events such as the 9th anniversary CB Poilce Jogja that will starting tomorrow in Jogjakarta.

panji seriez studio home work

His smart smiles always showing his wall status each time he posted a new info. With the local trademark Panji Seriez, its products are almost owned by those who have long played with CB motorcycles. It turns out, with a relaxed marketing style, friendly, always friendly greeting a kind of magnet itself in capturing loyal consumers both just maintenance, service to order with a particular model (as reques). Entering this millennial era, it seems that the classic or old manner style is still a favorite of some business people who deal with motorcycle accessories, especially CB. Good luck and ready to face a straight competition with big boss industry with large budgets and modern marketing. Long live the classical style, because classics are always interesting in anything it was.

panji's son ability to help